
A World Aflame: Interwar Wargames Rules 1918-39

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    Publisher Osprey Adventures
    Stock Number OOWG000002
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A World Aflame captures the fascinating and tumultuous period between 1918 and 1939, when conflicting political theories and rapidly evolving military tactics gave rise to a number of bitter conflicts that paved the way for World War II. The rules are fast-paced, fun and versatile, and are suitable for the many diverse conflicts of the period, from the Chinese Civil Wars and the "Great Game" in Central Asia, to the Irish War of Independence and the bitter ideological warfare of the Russian and Spanish Civil Wars. The rules also contain options for the popular what-if setting of the "Very British Civil War", along with a scenario for the battle of Jarama, and a selection of sample Chance Cards to lend an element of chaos and confusion to the game. A World Aflame uses the 10-man squad as the core unit, and games can be played at company, battalion or brigade level and at any figure scale -- the only limits are the players' collections and table sizes!

Written by Paul Eaglestone