
Advanced Adventures #16: Under Shattered Mountain

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    Publisher Expeditious Retreat Press
    Stock Number XRP6116
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Under Shattered Mountain is an OSRIC module designed for 5-8 adventures of levels 9-12.

Shattered Mountain . . . an evil landmark looming over the countryside. In ages past, the mountain roared as a volcano and rendered the surrounding area uninhabitable, and then suddenly went quiet. Centuries later, investigation by adventurers revealed the volcano's core to be mysteriously sealed off, although large tunnels appeared to meander through the ground underneath. In time, various creatures made those tunnels their homes, though few dared to strike out into the populated areas due to the champions which defended civilization.

However, things have recently changed for the worse; soothsayers for leagues around now say a devil lives under the mountain. Could such be true, or is it only the nattering of those too timid to delve beneath the shattered mountain?

If you enjoy this adventure, look for future releases in the Advanced Adventures line from Expeditious Retreat Press.

Written by James Boney