
All Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Products Bundle

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  • File Size 345 MB ZIP
    Publisher Skirmisher Publishing, LLC
    Stock Number SKPE0902
  • This is a digital file.

Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition is a completely revised, expanded, and updated version of the acclaimed live-action roleplaying game based on the horror tales of H.P. Lovecraft. This newest edition of the game includes a richly detailed and uniquely playable rules system that incorporates more than 12 years of best practices and refinements from hundreds of gamers worldwide. Features include:

  • All-new rules for skills, combat, Sanity, Magic, and Psychic powers.
  • Extensive information on organizing events, stagecraft and special effects.
  • Guidelines on role-playing Outsiders tainted by the touch of the Mythos.
  • New and improved photographs, graphics, and other images, including works by renowned Cthulhu Mythos artist Richard Alan Poppe.
  • A screen-friendly lo-res version of the book that includes the "parchment" background of the original print edition and red blood spatters that had to be printed black in the original.
  • A printer-friendly hi-res version of the book from which background images, blood spatters, and other material that might eat up toner or affect the quality of home printouts have been eliminated.

And much more!

This bundle contains all of the currently available downloadable products for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition and provides a player or game master with everything they will need to jump right into the game. Items in this bundle include:

Written by Robert McLaughlin / Paul Michael Janousek / Robert Janousek / Greg Agostini / William T. Thrasher