
Battlelords of the Twenty-Third Century

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    Publisher SSDC, Inc.
    Stock Number SSDC101E
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Battlelords is a sci-fi roleplaying game that mixes a bureaucratic Alliance and manipulative mega-corporations with invading Arachnids, disruptive rebels, and chaotic anarchists. Players select one of twelve alien races to play a mercenary working for one of the powerful mega-corporations. Choice from over 100 distinct skills, 400 detailed pieces of equipment, and move than 250 powers. You can even spice up your character with the Fickle Finger of Fate or I Was Just Growing Up tables.

Battlelords uses percentile dice and a skill-based system to provide quick and deadly combat resolution, getting you roleplaying again.

Each alien race comes with lots of rich background material: government, culture, quirks, racial history, and lots more - right down to their favorite food or pet. And what is life like in the 23rd century? We have taken an entire chapter to provide all those details.

We want you to get started quickly so we have included a campaign setting, a mini-adventure, and PC archetypes. You can jump in with both feet and start unleashing your imagination right away. The Universe is infinite, and with Battlelords, so are your gaming possibilities.

Written by Lawrence R. Sims