
Bite Me! Weretigers

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    Publisher Misfit Studios
    Stock Number MIS0039
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Bite Me! Weretigers Stalks into Your Game

Solitary hunters. Criminal masterminds. Manipulators of men. Possibly the individually most powerful of lycanthropes, weretigers rule the jungle, as well as many cities.

Bite Me! Weretigers describes a race of natural shapechangers who can be savage or subtle; can dwell in cities, jungles, or the arctic tundra; can be hungry, heroic, or hedonistic, but are always in some way superior.


  • Rules for creating weretiger characters using the Bite Me! lycanthrope system, including new racial traits (from Alabaster Pelt to Rakshasa Magic), archetypes (Weretiger sorcerer, Durjana inquisitor, and Silvertongue bard), and feats (from Hawk & Spit to Sabertoothed)
  • New weretiger spells (from ambush of tigers to silverclaw) and magic items (from the figuring of wondrous power (jade tiger) and the ring of weapon storing)
  • Details of weretiger life and society
  • Two completely statted (in both human and tiger forms) ready-to-use NPCs.

Both a color and print-friendly version of the product is included.

Written by Peter Ullman