
Blood and Relics (2nd Edition)

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    Publisher RPG Objects
    Stock Number RPO3008
    UPC / ISBN 0-9743067-4-6
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Blood and Relics 2nd edition is a revised and expanded version of our Gencon/Ennie 2003 nominated (best ebook) d20 Modern campaign model. This new edition is almost twice the size of the original with more classes, organizations and monsters that can be used to inject religious occult overtones to any d20 Modern campaign or bring the Blood War to life in your game.

This product has Modern Character Generation support.


Occult Characters
7 advanced classes suitable for gothic modern campaigns: Believer, Cultist, Dark Warrior, Grave Robber, Monitor, Relic Seeker, and Witch. A feat-based ritual system that adds an element of the supernatural to your Modern game without the flashy power of the traditional d20 magic system.

Secret Societies
7 secret societies and cults ready for use, each with its own prestige class: Frater Torquemada, The Doctrine, Isayeret Omega, Knights Templar, Salem Seven, Seers of Fatima, and Teutonic Knights.

Campaign Guide
A ready to use campaign guide, including: a secret history of the world, new items, and new creatures.

Written by Charles Rice