
Captain's Log #42 Color SSDs

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    Publisher Amarillo Design Bureau
    Stock Number ADB5742-3C
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The SSDs from Captain's Log #42 are now available in color. Check out these ships:

New ships for Star Fleet Battles: Hydran Monarch-L light battleship, Lyran Running Lion fast battleship, Vudar light dreadnought and heavy dreadnought, Frax Early heavy cruiser, Qari Early heavy cruiser, Triaxian Early light cruiser, and Flivver Early heavy cruiser.

New ships for Federation Commander: Hydran D7H battlecruiser (the Anarchist), Tholian pinwheel with three patrol corvettes (web variant), and Federal Republic light cruiser and frigate.

New ships for Starmada: Romulan KD5R war cruiser, Kzinti drone frigate, Gorn destroyer battlecruiser, and Federation old heavy cruiser.