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Publisher | Amarillo Design Bureau |
Stock Number | ADB5745-3C |
The SSDs from Captain's Log #45 are now available in color. Check out these ships:
New ships for Star Fleet Battles: Kzinti Middle Years large and small Q-ships, police cutter, and police cutter carrier; Seltorian Milky Way Galaxy large and small Q-ships; Neo-Tholian Home Galaxy variants of the battleship, dreadnought, heavy cruiser, and light cruiser, along with Milky Way Galaxy variants of the destroyer and frigate.
A Call to Arms: Star Fleet has preliminary information for scouts for the Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Gorns, Kzintis, and Tholians.
New ships for Federation Commander: Federation new scout cruiser, Kzinti medium scout cruiser, Tholian war cruiser scout, and Vudar war cruiser scout.
New ships for Starmada: Klingon E7, Gorn DBC, Federation HDW, Romulan Vulture, Seltorian light battleship, and the large auxiliary cruiser.