
Captain's Log #51 Color SSDs

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  • File Size 12.8 MB PDF
    Publisher Amarillo Design Bureau
    Stock Number ADB5751CL-3C
  • This is a digital file.

New ships for Star Fleet Battles include the Romulan K3 escort, K2 cutter, K2C cutter leader, K6 heavy police ship, and BattleHawk-B destroyer leader; the Maesron Alliance command cruiser, and Probr command cruiser. New advanced technology frigates include the Klingon Advanced Technology escort, Romulan Snipe-X advanced frigate, Gorn advanced frigate, Hydran advanced Hunter frigate and advanced Cuirassier frigate, Lyran Cheeta-X advanced frigate, Seltorian FFX Advanced Technology frigate, and Vudar advanced frigate.

New ships from Federation Commander include the Borak heavy cruiser, war cruiser, war destroyer, and war frigate.

Starmada (in B&W) gets the Federation Battlecruiser BCP, Klingon SparrowHawk light cruiser, Romulan DemonHawk dreadnought, and Seltorian Assault Wagon.

A Call to Arms: Star Fleet, gets the Class-One Small Armed Freighter, Class-Two Large Armed Freighter, Class-Three Jumbo Armed Freighter, Class-Four Heavy Armed Freighter, and Class-One Small Auxiliary Cruiser.