This 1990 issue introduced the new Doomsday Edition of SFB. The issue grew to 80 pages. Included were two fiction stories:
- "Escape From the Holdfast" described a Klingon effort to slip into Tholian space and steal an entire ship (along with
the secret of web technology).
- "The Battle of Olsen's Reach" told the tale of the moment when the Federation tried to surrender and a mistake by a young ensign caused the General War to drag on for another decade.
Included are:
- nine new SFB scenarios
- the Federation FFB and DW
- Q&A
- an introduction to Doomsday
- an example of tractor auctions
- Why
- Just Say No
- Battleforce 2000
- Board of Proposals
- Ask Kommodore Ketrick (It was Steven Petrick's debut)
- Tactics Board
- Victory at Origins
- Ask Uncle Ardak
The much larger F&E section included
- An Example
- Q&A
- Tactical Notes
- space control ship rules
- DF&E commentaries
- a new scenario
- and two strategic options.
Written by Stephen Cole