
Champions: The Super Hero Role Playing Game (3rd Edition)

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    Publisher Hero Games
    Stock Number ICE01
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Welcome to the super-powered world of Champions! Here's where the four-color fantasies of comic books become real; here superheroes and supervillains do battle for the destiny of the human race. Champions allows anyone to become a superhero and fight for justice. With these rules and your pencils, paper, and imagination, you can recreate the fanciful world of the comic books and pulp adventure novels. But beware! Champions is not a game for the weak at heart. It takes guts, intelligence, and imagination to succeed. Can you meet the challenge?

Champions has all the rules to show you how to create your own unique character. Any power or ability you've seen in the comics can be duplicated with the Champions rules; this is your chance to create the character that you want. Once you've created your hero, you'll join other heroes in the fight against evil. So get out there and BE A HERO!

Written by Steve Peterson / George MacDonald