
Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Core Rulebook and Companion Suite Bundle

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  • File Size 279 MB ZIP
    Publisher Skirmisher Publishing, LLC
    Stock Number SKPE0904
  • This is a digital file.

Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition is a completely revised, expanded, and updated version of the acclaimed live-action roleplaying game based on the horror tales of H.P. Lovecraft. This newest edition of the game includes a richly detailed and uniquely playable rules system that incorporates more than 12 years of best practices and refinements from hundreds of gamers worldwide. Features include:

  • All-new rules for skills, combat, Sanity, Magic, and Psychic powers.
  • Extensive information on organizing events, stagecraft and special effects.
  • Guidelines on role-playing Outsiders tainted by the touch of the Mythos.
  • New and improved photographs, graphics, and other images, including works by renowned Cthulhu Mythos artist Richard Alan Poppe.
  • A screen-friendly lo-res version of the book that includes the "parchment" background of the original print edition and red blood spatters that had to be printed black in the original.
  • A printer-friendly hi-res version of the book from which background images, blood spatters, and other material that might eat up toner or affect the quality of home printouts have been eliminated.
  • And much more!

    This bundle includes:

    Written by Robert McLaughlin