
Divine Favor: the Druid

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    Publisher Open Design
    Stock Number ODDFTD
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Designed by Stefen Styrsky and developed by Sigfried Trent and Wolfgang Baur, Divine Favor: the Druid gives an in-depth exploration of the druid class and useful advice on making the most of it.

The second in the Divine Favor series covering cleric, druid, paladin, inquisitor and oracle, this volume includes:

  • New domains for druids, clerics and rangers, including Bird, Hunting, Transformation, Tree, and more
  • New wild shape options
  • New animal companions including electric lizard and brain ooze (ew!)
  • Druid archetypes such as Moon Druid, Greenmen, and Elemental Shaman
  • New feats such as Defend the Master, Healing Tongue and Primeval Counsel

Pick up Divine Favor: the Druid and unleash nature's fury! And check out the other books in the Divine Favor series.

Written by Stefen Styrsky