
Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game

( 8 )
  • Contents
    Boxed set: 5 books, 2 large double-sided maps, cardboard figures, and 6-sided dice.

    PDF: Seven PDFs (totaling 430 pages) in a single Zip file

    File Size 130 MB ZIP
    Preview Download (20.1 MB)
    Publisher Steve Jackson Games
    Stock Number SJG01-1005
    UPC / ISBN 091037863317
    Player Count 2+ Players
    Weight 6.0 lbs
  • Available as a digital file. Product Website
  • Dungeon_fantasy_roleplaying_game_2pt_box
  • Dungeon_fantasy_roleplaying_game_components

Storm Dungeons, Slay Monsters, Seize Treasure

A fun hack 'n' slash campaign challenges heroes with clever dungeons. To get the most out of your fantasy adventures, you need a game that lets you customize and perfect characters, monsters, treasures, and traps.

That's where the ready-to-play Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game comes in. It harnesses the customizing power of the award-winning Generic Universal RolePlaying System (GURPS), and streamlines it so you have exactly what you need to take fully-realized characters on fantastic adventures.

Choose from 11 classic professions and nine races. Tailor your hero using quick-start templates and the time-tested GURPS point-build system. Gear up with a massive list of customizable armor and weapons. Pick from over 400 spells. Then battle foes chosen from more than 80 monsters.

All this power guarantees epic games in no time . . . starting with the new adventure that comes in the box!

Written by Sean Punch