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18-page PDF
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Publisher | Steve Jackson Games |
Stock Number | SJG37-0139 |
In times of trouble, believers in many settings may call on a higher power for help. Some of the time, that higher power answers the call . . .
GURPS Powers: Divine Favor presents a complete system for miraculous intervention. Subtle or stupendous, quiet or cacophonous, the powers herein are perfect for any holy-minded hero hoping to save his friends, the world, or even his soul. This supplement contains:
Whether playing a near-historical novitiate in a religious order, an Old West preacher hoping to keep his congregation safe from the darkness for another day, or a believer in the "old ways" of a fantastic tomorrow, this supplement is like an answered prayer. With GURPS Powers: Divine Favor, faith can move mountains!
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Written by Jason Levine