
HELLAS: Shades of Ægis

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    Publisher Khepera Publishing
    Stock Number KHP013
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"Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a brave Hellenic explorer named Telemikus unlocked one of the secrets of the universe with the aid of his Machina servants. Mistrustful of his assistants, he locked the secrets away in a hidden archive, and buried the key where none would find it for thousands of years."

Now, a brave band of heroes will discover that those secrets are about to be revealed -- for good or ill. Only they will decide whether an ancient Machina will have his revenge, or whether the descendants of Telemikus will live to fulfill their own destinies.

Shades of Aegis is the second of five adventures in the Legacy of the First Age series.

Included is:

  • An exciting and mysterious 4-Act storyline
  • New creatures and enemies
  • Five pregenerated characters to get started right away.

This scenario can be run either as a stand-alone adventure, or as just the first step on an epic adventure across the Worlds of Sun and Stone.

Requires HELLAS: Worlds of Sun and Stone to play

Written by Kieran Turley