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23-page PDF
File Size | 591 KB PDF |
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Publisher | Steve Jackson Games |
Stock Number | SJG37-3340 |
Nybbas, the Demon Prince of the Media, has a plan to move the meaning of Christmas even more toward the secular and commercial - make it last all year! It's not as crazy as it sounds, and there are reasons that forces on both sides might want to see it happen. This fun-filled In Nomine scenario can be played by characters from either side, as either a part of your regular campaign or as a change of pace. And this edition includes GURPS In Nomine stats for all NPCs in the adventure!
A Very Nybbas Christmas was originally published in the online version of Pyramid, but this is the first time you can get it in PDF form . . . and it's free! That's right, A Very Nybbas Christmas is one of the free samples we're giving away to show off just how cool e23, our online store for PDFs and other downloads, is. So fire up your computer and give it a spin, and celebrate A Very Nybbas Christmas!
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Written by Alain H. Dawson