This first issue of Avalon Games's great Sci-Fi e-zine, Infinite
Horizons will bring to you all the great Sci-Fi stuff you have been
wanting, and more.
Each issue is packed full of great gaming, fiction, comics and review.
Did we mention that it's free!!!
- Infinite Futures, Heritage
- Infinite Futures, New Prestige Classes
- Infinite Futures, New Feats
- Infinite Futures, New Gear
- Infinite Futures, Fan Submissions
- Ki-Ryn Studios Samples
- Adventure Creating in Sci-Fi Games
- Space Academy Paper Figures
- Star Trader's Luck
- Altered Earth Preview
- What caused the downfall of the Usa people?
- Ruby Red
- Taking out the Trash
- Sorceress
- Artist Spotlight, Miguel Santos
- Horror of Colony 6
- Walking the Dog
- Wired
- Scan for Life Signs
- For the love of Who
- Reviews, Future Armada Deck Plans
- Reviews, Paladin Spaceplane
- Reviews, Paper Figures by Finger and Toe Models
- Putting On Your Virtual Game Face
Written by Robert Hemminger