
Master at Arms: Crimson Cleaver

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    Publisher Blackdirge Publishing
    Stock Number BDPMA07
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The latest installment of Blackdirge Publishing's Master at Arms series brings you the blood-soaked crimson cleaver prestige class. The crimson cleaver is a terrifying warrior skilled in the use of the two-handed axe, and a master at splitting shields, helms, and skulls with his mighty weapon. From using the weight of his terrible axe to knock a foe from his feet to smashing an enemy's shield to flinders with a single stroke, the crimson cleaver can bring a host of devastating abilities to bear upon his opponents.

So if there's not enough carnage in your campaign, let Blackdirge Publishing bring back the gore with Master at Arms: Crimson Cleaver.

Master at Arms - Crimson Cleaver includes 7 pages of new d20 material, which includes the following:

  • A historical look at the two-handed axe
  • Author's design notes
  • The crimson cleaver prestige class
  • A new two-handed martial weapon: the poleaxe
  • Olaf Bonecleaver, a giant-blooded crimson cleaver
  • Art by Jesse Mohn

Written by Aeryn Rudel