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The 20th installment of the Master at Arms line explores a popular and versatile polearm: the glaive. Although appearing as little more than a "knife on a stick," the glaive presents a number of intriguing and potent options to a fighter looking to specialize in a reach weapon. The glaive knight takes full advantage of the glaive's power and versatile nature, and can use his weapon to strike horrendously powerful blows, catch opponents unaware, or even fortify a position along with other polearm-wielders.
So if your looking for a prestige class that combines reach, power, and versatility, look no further than Blackdirge Publishing and Master at Arms: Glaive Knight.
Master at Arms - Glaive Knight contains 8 pages of new d20 material, which includes the following:
Written by Aeryn Rudel