
Master at Arms: Knight of Staves

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  • File Size 3.2 MB PDF
    Publisher Blackdirge Publishing
    Stock Number BDPMA10
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Blackdirge Publishing takes a closer look at an often-ignored weapon in the newest installment of the Master at Arms series: the knight of staves. Despite its versatility, the quarterstaff is not often found in the hands of skilled warriors, and is usually relegated to serving mages and sorcerers as a backup weapon. The knight of staves, however, has mastered this simple and effective weapon. With his trusty staff, he can dispatch foes with a fusillade of lightning-quick strikes, crush them with mighty two-handed blows, or deflect their weapons with elaborate, spinning parries.

The knight of staves is a noble wanderer, an unassuming warrior armed only with a humble staff. He travels the land with only a few meager belongings, aiding those in need, and bringing justice and retribution to the wicked.

So give your PCs and NPCs a little clandestine firepower and help rescue the quarterstaff from obscurity with Blackdirge Publishing and Master at Arms: Knight of Staves.

Master at Arms - Knight of Staves includes 7 pages of new d20 material, which includes the following:

  • A historical look at the quarterstaff
  • Author's design notes
  • The knight of staves prestige class
  • Nerrod Garomar, a renegade drow elf knight of staves
  • Illustration by Jesse Mohn

Written by Aeryn Rudel