
MQ1 - Tournaments

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  • File Size 3.36 MB PDF
    Publisher Arion Games
    Stock Number MAE005
  • This is a digital file.

The Maelstrom RPG, published in 1984 was a small but popular game, released partly on the success of the Fighting Fantasy books, also from Puffin. Written by Alexander Scott, a teenager at the time, the game soon gathered a loyal following. Despite being in print for only a short time, the game has developed something of a cult following, and the herbal section has inspired many net-based RPG herbals.

In 2007, Arion Games acquired the license to re-release the original book as a pdf, and has followed that up with adventures and a Companion volume.

Now, we are releasing the first in a regular series: Maelstrom Quarterly 1

This series will, at low cost, provide setting material on a different facet of Tudor life in each issue, with new equipment, livings and NPC's.

This first issue covers the high excitement of the Tudor Tournament, with information and rules for Jousting, tourneys, the Tournament Knight living and more. Whether as a competitor or a spectator, your players are sure to love the excitement of a Royal tournament!

Although written for the Maelstrom RPG, this guide is also useful for any medieval or fantasy RPG that features jousting, tournaments and fairs.

Written by Graham Bottley