
Mugshots #2 (4th Edition)

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  • File Size 27.1 MB PDF
    Publisher Hero Games
    Stock Number DOJHERO3304
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Mugshots II is a collection of non-player characters (abbreviated "NPCs") for use with contemporary role playing games. In addition to the game statistics provided for each character (including those for the HERO System 4th Edition), there are specific details and a general description to fully flesh out each character. A portrait, presented like a newspaper clipping, helps by providing a mental image. A paragraph describing probable scenario settings rounds out each character description. In addition, there are some 30 pages of detailed maps of some of the areas where these characters might be found and a short (7 pages) solitaire adventure where you, the player, might meet some of these characters. The game-master should begin by playing the solo adventure, to get a feel for some of the characters. After that it should be easier to determine which characters will fit in to your adventure. As in Mugshots I, we start with the solo, then the character portraits and descriptions, with the maps at the end.

Written by Michael Stackpole / Deb Wykle