
NPC Files: Jaycee Cussan

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  • File Size 1.97 MB PDF
    Publisher Expeditious Retreat Press
    Stock Number XRP5007
  • This is a digital file.

Welcome to NPC Files, your one-stop resource for dynamic non-player characters in a fantasy 3.5 game. Each title in NPC Files details one character from 1st level to 20th level, giving game masters ultimate utility.

NPC Files are unique at their very conception. They begin with a story, tracing the character's background, personality, and appearance at low level (level 2-5), mid-level (level 8-12) and high level (level 15-19) with their complementary stat blocks. Then their stat blocks are laid out 1st through 20th level, followed by familiars, mounts, and animal companions, as well as new magical items or spells (when appropriate).

Meet Jaycee Cussan: Death's Shadow. When an upstanding, respected member of a community commits suicide, many people read the note that's been left behind and shake their heads at the waste of life. What they don't realize is that the suicide is a murder, the note a letter-perfect forgery, and both of them are courtesy of an assassin named Jayce Cussan.

Find out more about Jaycee Cussan in this 14-page PDF!

Written by Suzi Yee / Joseph Browning / Nicholas Olivo