
Penumbra: Crime and Punishment

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    Publisher Atlas Games
    Stock Number AG3223PDF
    UPC / ISBN 1589780396
  • Available as a digital file. Product Website

Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

A legal system is one of the defining elements of civilization. But it's too often overlooked in a fantasy setting. In a world where high-level characters can single-handedly defeat armies, how can any powerful individual be captured or imprisoned?

Just as Dynasties and Demagogues deals with political intrigue, Crime and Punishment takes an in-depth look at campaigns that focus on the forces of the law. Players can take the roles of bounty hunters tracking down mystical renegades, justiciars seeking to restore order in a cesspool of corruption and crime, mage hunters, itinerant justices, the local sheriff's men, or even spies for the crown.

And consider that even an innocent adventurer may find himself hunted by the authorities if he doesn't know what to watch out for. If the characters are on the wrong side of the law, this book provides information on what they may be up against, including new magical methods of law enforcement and imprisonment.

Penumbra: Crime and Punishment includes:

  • Extensive rules on conducting investigations, including new uses for old skills, new forensic spells, and specialized equipment. Plus new classes for agents of the law and those who work against them.
  • A detailed look at different systems of justice, from common law to divine law, with an emphasis on how such systems can provide opportunities and challenges for adventurers.
  • Information on running campaigns based on the law, showing GMs how to bring together a party of bounty hunters, a royal justice and his entourage, or a group of investigators solving crimes in a gritty metropolis.
  • Descriptions of a variety of prisons, ranging from an extraplanar cell, to a stone garden filled with petrified prisoners, to a full-fledged mystical fortress.

Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook.

Edited by Keith Baker.


Written by Keith Baker