
Pyramid Classic #09

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Pyramid issue 9 was published in September, 1994. It featured a first look at INWO, another chapter of "Angels in the Architecture," our series of preview articles for In Nomine, plus "Unlimited Mana" for GURPS. Dinosaurs take on autoduellists in "CAR•NASAURS," and other articles look at Origins '94, Will in GURPS, mock horror adventures, using the internet for gaming, and Hampire live-action roleplaying. All that, plus the usual reviews, industry news, columns, Bruno!, Murphy's Rules, and more!

NOTE: Because of the occasional corrupted page or missed file in the archiving process, as well as a number of ads that were never built as electonic files, some of the pages in this PDF are scanned in from our paper archives. But every page we could recover from electronic files, we did.

This issue of Pyramid is otherwise exactly as it was originally published. Enjoy.