The Future Is Back!
The world of tomorrow comes into focus again, as countless near-future possibilities coalesce in front of your eyes. This month's issue of Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- takes a look at the Transhuman Space setting. The latest installment unleashes the following memes:
- "Three Offices, Port Lowell" explores a handful of the factions active in a bustling Martian town. The Transhuman Space Line Editor, Phil Masters, gives details on a few of the key people (including GURPS stats) and places likely to make the lives of residents and visitors very interesting.
- "We Are the 9.9%" makes it simpler than ever to ease into Transhuman Space. Written by Jason "PK" Levine (author of GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions and other player-friendly guides) offers five new 100-point GURPS templates suitable for many different groups. Additionally, a campaign outline enables a GM to include just as much of each Wave as the players want.
- "Weapons and Units of the Honduran Civil War," this month's Eidetic Memory offering from Transhuman Space creator David L. Pulver, presents the most common military matériel of both sides of the conflict, including his notes and GURPS stats for this perpetual hot spot.
- "Indentures Inc." puts a post-modern twist on servitude. After your heroes have perused the secretive company's brochures, will they be ready for the "best sleep you ever had" . . . and get paid in the process?
- "Eloi Games" helps the wealthiest of Fifth Wavers figure out what to do with their lives. From William H. Stoddard -- mastermind of Transhuman Space: Transhuman Mysteries -- comes an examination of what it means to be "eloi," what to do with all that money, and how to get into the right circles. This mini-supplement includes four new GURPS character traits and plenty of adventure ideas . . . whether you're in the inner circle or on the outside peering in.
Meanwhile, Random Thought Table will help you mesh what authors thought would happen with what we all know has occurred, and Odds and Ends has a new GURPS bioroid template that couldn't fit elsewhere. With this Pyramid, your world of tomorrow is better than ever!
Written by Phil Masters / David L. Pulver / William H. Stoddard / Jason Levine / Steven Marsh / J. Edward Tremlett