Why Settle for the Whole World?
Don't settle for being stuck in the same old universe when there are infinite worlds to explore! This month's Pyramid -- the PDF magazine for roleplayers -- reports on what's new in realms beyond, with features that are sure to interest GURPS Infinite Worlds fans or others looking to broaden their horizons with new rules and possibilities. This senses-shattering issue includes:
- "The Power of Sorcery," describing a new, advantage-based method of GURPS spellcasting from the grimoire of GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic author Jason "PK" Levine. Get started with a sampling of 20 "spells" plus guidelines for making more.
- "Lord of Your Own Domain," presenting a detailed GURPS system of traits and modifiers needed to manifest your own interdimensional pocket fiefdom, including a new GURPS Psionic Powers ability.
- "Igor-1," this month's Eidetic Memory offering that depicts an alternate pulp timeline that's changing the course of World War II with weird science. David L. Pulver -- author of GURPS Reign of Steel -- gives you a new GURPS character lens and GURPS Spaceships stats for two vehicles.
- "The Infinite Aisles," supplying adventurers with a means to get unusual gear or (unreliable!) travel between dimensions. Delve into the mystery of a humble multi-timeline chain of stores with Phil Masters, author of GURPS Infinite Worlds: Britannica-6.
- "Patchwork," positing what might happen in a world filled with diversity and a lack of war, as revealed by GURPS Locations: St. George's Cathedral author Michele Armellini. Two possible destinations (with GURPS City Stats notes) are included.
- "Stormbomb-1," considering the effects of harnessing the impossible power of the Banestorm. What price is the world's only superpower willing to pay to retain its place among the nations?
This Pyramid also offers a Random Thought Table that unleashes the power of a leaky mind, while Odds and Ends reveals a few other secrets the cosmos can barely contain. Leave your troubles behind like never before; this month's Pyramid is out of this world!
Written by Michele Armellini / Phil Masters / David L. Pulver / Jason Levine / Christopher R. Rice / Steven Marsh / J. Edward Tremlett