
Rooms & Encounters: Desecrated Temple

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  • File Size 6.74 MB PDF
    Publisher 01 Games
    Stock Number UNDRE008
  • This is a digital file.

You enter a vast hall, some 50 by 65 feet. The 20-foot-high vaulted ceiling is supported by 30 pillars, and riddled with cracks. Tapestries hang in tatters from the walls, and it's impossible to tell what was once depicted on them. Some remnants of words or aphorisms remain, painted on the pillars, a single letter still legible in places. Wooden benches are piled up against the walls, apparently to clear the floor of the room. At several places, the large grey tiles of the floor have been removed and holes have been dug underneath. Some people are camping in the center of the room. There's a smoldering fire, and about it lie three bedrolls, a large leather bag, and a couple of shovels and pickaxes.

Discover the Desecrated Temple!

Written by Jan Willem van den Brink

This is Room 19, Level 1

The Dungeon Under the Mountain is a massive dungeon complex extending endlessly below the ground. In a remote past, ancient evil beings dwelled in the area. Now the remainder of these mysterious evil beings have seized the dungeons and filled it with deadly traps and monsters. Also many known villains have established their strongholds in the depths of The Dungeon Under the Mountain. Nobody knows why this dungeon is filled with danger, but nobody cares, since this dungeon is the most prized adventure ground in the world. However be warned, adventurers, your life will be not easy here, and dozens of so-called heroes have never returned from The Dungeon Under the Mountain.

You Have Been Warned!

This product contains one room or one dungeon-based encounter. All the rooms featured here are taken from one of The Dungeon Under the Mountain products, although these products are not necessary, since the encounter can be adapted without effort to any existing dungeon.

This product takes advantage from the PDF technology, joining old-fashioned style with the most advanced electronic features. In order to use this product you must use Adobe Acrobat 6 or later.

This product has been designed to help busy referees in preparing dungeon adventures and encounters. Instead of wasting time scaling the encounters and adapting them to your party, here you will find a pre-scaled encounter suitable in three different versions (for low, mid, and high levels of play). At the beginning of the encounter text, you will find a big button. By clicking on this button you can choose which level you want to play (low, medium, high). When you have made your choice all the relevant portions of the text will change accordingly.

Monsters will scale, DCs will change, traps and behaviors of the villains will change, all according to the level of play you choose. But that is not all.

Beside each paragraph you will find the same button as before, but much smaller. This button allows you to change only the appropriate paragraph. Therefore, if you need stronger monsters in your low-level encounter, you can adjust them and use mid-level monsters instead of low-level ones. Likewise, if you want tougher traps, just click on the paragraph button and change the level of the traps paragraph. Due to different text lengths, blank spaces will be filled with placeholder artwork, so you will have a good-looking page.

The product also features simple and clear maps and miniature-scale maps.

Those familiar with The Dungeon Under the Mountain products will find the maps easy to use. The smaller maps also feature the "Rule the Dungeon" button. By clicking this button, you can customize the map by opening or closing the doors, removing the furniture or removing or filling in the walls, and more, depending on the room's layout.


Written by Jan Willem Van den Brink