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This free book compiles over 30 years of experience in the "adventure game industry" along with insights, lessons learned, things to avoid, how things work, sample dealer terms, explanations of printer terms, and much more.
It includes everything from how to set up your warehouse to what kinds of business you could create, how wholesalers work, who to ask for help, stupid mistakes (and scams) to avoid, and (perhaps somewhere) the secrets of succeeding in business. Written in good humor, it starts out with a warning that nobody owes you a game company, that this is business in the real world (with real laws, real governments, real debts, and real money) and that if you have never run a business then you do not know how to run a business. You may not learn everything you need from this book, but you will learn a list of what you do not know and how it can ruin you.
Chapters include:
Written by Stephen Cole