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After the cracking of the moon and before the rise of Atlantis the world was a place strange to the thoughts of honest men. The death throes of science amid the birth of magic sculpted new generations of conquerors who strode the lands forging civilizations of steel, sinew, and sorcery from the decrepit hulks of the ones that fell before. Tyrannical wizards, amoral super-scientists, charismatic catalysts, and multifarious mutants battled for wealth, power, and honor. It was ten thousand years of barbarity; ten thousand years spent in the shadowy shells of past glories, hiding from horrible creatures that scratched and skittered for blood; ten thousand years of tyranny and injustice, ten thousand years of Sorcery & Super Science!
The rats of the Gurn Ills mall have abducted two muties from Deeplac Village! In particular, the community is desperate to recover their lost tinker, for she knows how to make things work. The party is asked to regain at least the tinkerer from the rat men by whatever means required. Come explore the world below the shattered moon by embarking on a dangerous adventure!
Written by Joseph Browning