
Serpent Scales #2: (Happiness is a) Sten Gun (Savage Worlds)

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  • File Size 620 KB PDF
    Publisher Atomic Overmind Press
    Stock Number DARSS02SW
  • This is a digital file.

Serpent Scales: Fragments from the World After the Serpentfall

There are a thousand tales to be told in the world of The Day After Ragnarok, some big and some small. Serpent Scales is an ongoing series of articles shining some light into the interesting little corners of the world after the Serpentfall. These smaller articles will cover the people, places, and things of the post-Serpentfall world that are just a bit too esoteric for a full supplement. Sizes and prices will vary for each issue. But don't worry, playability and usability are our top priority, no matter the length. All killer, no filler.

It was the best of guns, it was the worst of guns. Okay, it was mostly the worst of guns. They called it the "Plumber's Abortion" and the "Stench Gun." Soldiers shot themselves and each other with it, or saw it jam up in combat instead; they feared it more than they feared their enemies' weapons.

But the British paratroopers used it at Arnhem rather than pick up the "Schmeissers" that littered the ground around them.

And all across Europe it spelled power to the Resistance, and death to the Nazis.

And after the Serpentfall, it may be the only gun in town. Inside this 6-page PDF you'll find:

  • The history of the STEN gun, and how it fits into the world after the Serpentfall.
  • Game statistics for the Sten, for either Savage Worlds or Hero 6th Edition.
  • Options, both mechanical and mystical, to enhance your Sten.
  • Adventure hooks involving this most democratic of weapons.

Written by Kenneth Hite