
Solar Smith and the Sky-Pirates of Arcturus!

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  • File Size 427 KB PDF
    Publisher Hero Games
    Stock Number DOJHERO-HPA02
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After the amazing scientific breakthroughs of Gernsback and Goddard in the mid-Twenties made space flight possible, an eager and curious mankind set out to explore the stars and found new colonies. Now, as humanity progresses inexorably toward World War II, the brave men and women of the American Space Travel and Reconnaissance Agency (ASTRA) investigate strange planets, keeps the spacelanes safe from pirates, oppose the might of the alien Dracon Empire and its wily ruler Krogan III, and struggle to contain the forces of Nazism and Bolshevism.

Solar Smith and the Sky-Pirates Of Arcturus! details the Pulp Hero and Star Hero mini-setting of Aetherial Earth and its universe. So check your electric pistols and get ready to blast off to adventure!

Written by Steven S. Long