
Star System Reference: F-0803-12

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    Publisher Misfit Studios
    Stock Number EKG0102
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The third title in the Star System Reference series. Coming in at 20 pages, this PDF details the system of F-0803-12, a top secret research base for Highton Interstellar Ship Building Consortium. At one time Highton was a market leader in ship design, but now it is a reputable military ship design and building company.

This PDF contains information about the research base, a map of the base, details about the system, and other interesting information about the system. It also includes different ways of using the system and base in adventures, along with other information, like how robots are used and why they are important to running the base.

Star System Reference
A series of short PDFs that focuses on detailing individual planets, space stations, cities, or other stellar objects of any importance from the mundane to the highly exotic. Each product can be easily fitted into any Sci-Fi setting; they can also be linked together to help create an entire galaxy for the players to explore.

Each title comes as three documents, each of which is designed to be easily broken down into sections and printed out to be handed to players as handouts without giving them the entire document.

This product is produced by Eternal Knot Games and is merely imprinted by Misfit Studios. All questions and comments regarding this product should be addressed to EKG.

Written by Kenneth Norris