
Symbol Pack 1: Campaign World

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  • File Size 5.16 MB ZIP
    Publisher NBOS Software
    Stock Number NBO107
  • This is a digital file.

Expand the possibilities!

Symbol Pack 1: Campaign World features 275 brand-new, professionally drawn vector mapping symbols for use with Fractal Mapper v7.0 or v8.0. Featured in this set are symbols designed for mapping your fantasy campaign world - mountains, buildings, vegetation, heraldic shields, ships, soldiers, and more!

The symbols are all drawn in a style similar to the other Fractal Mapper fantasy vector symbols, and work well when mixed with the symbols that ship with Fractal Mapper.

Requirements: This product is an add-on for Fractal Mapper v7.0 or v8.0, so a commercial version Fractal Mapper v7.0 or v8.0 is needed. System requirements are the same as those specified for Fractal Mapper.