
Temple of the Lost Gods PDQ Conversion

( 7 )
  • File Size 900 KB PDF
    Publisher Atomic Sock Monkey Press
    Stock Number ASM005
  • This is a digital file.
This document is a free PDF (11 pages, 900K) for converting the characters, creatures, and challenges of Steve Jackson Games' Temple of the Lost Gods from GURPS Lite (3rd ed.) to Atomic Sock Monkey Press' Prose Descriptive Qualities (PDQ) System, as well as providing a PDQ adaptation of the magic systems within TotLG. This conversion permits players of Atomic Sock Monkey Press' products like Dead Inside, Truth & Justice, and Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot: the RPG to take advantage of the material in TotLG for their PDQ-based games. It can also serve as the basic rules for a fantasy genre PDQ game!

Written by Chad Underkoffler