
The Alchemist's Lab

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    Publisher Board Enterprises
    Stock Number BEN7303
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In most game worlds, the alchemists sit in their dungeon laboratories and craft potions of all manners, sinister and benign. Typically, if they are in a major city, they are churning out healing potions for the adventurers. The same can be said of the enchanters, slaving away making magical swords and armor. But what do they do for themselves?

Making magic is a difficult task, yet these brilliant researchers never seem to take the time to invent things that will directly help them. Even if all their doing is finding better ways to make the magical swords, they really need to spend a little time enhancing their labs. This book does that.

Here you will find dozens of products and techniques that can be used to make making magic easier. For player character alchemists, this book is required reading. For GMs, it can be a wonderful source of background color, loot, and/or explanations for why you do or don't allow the sale of magical items in your world.

This book is written in a generic format, so that the items can be used in the widest range of magical role-playing games.

This supplement contains:

  • 51 pages of content. Artwork is kept to a minimum to deliver more to you the reader.
  • over 250 different items in the price list - from the mundane to the highly magical.

Written by John Josten