
The Black Seal #1

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    Publisher Sixtystone Press Limited
    Stock Number BUP101E
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The theme of The Black Seal's first issue is Strange Britain. Inside, we expose the bizarre and mysterious landscape of these haunted isles - the ancient and forbidden knowledge of antiquity; the secrets of the modern-day conspiracy; the forgotten, dangerous places of power and mystery. The Black Seal is your guide to the Secret Country behind the mundane facade of everyday life in Britain.

Issue contents include:

  • 'Unusual suspects' - Sermon Grant, occultist; and Michael Scrimgoer, city analyst.
  • 'Mental Health in the United Kingdom' - a factual introduction to modern mental health laws.
  • 'Let Sleeping Gods Lie' - PISCES section 'H'.
  • 'Dangerous Places' - The Devil's Rings.
  • 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' - procuring illegal firearms in the UK.
  • 'The Further Files of Prof. Grant Emerson' - Delta Green: Countdown's Quincy reports more.
  • 'With Extreme Prejudice...' - PISCES' dirty jobs squad.
  • 'Zodiac Clearance' & 'Drive Through Carefully' - DG-UK-style. Campaign outline and starter scenario.
  • 'Tale of Terrors' - A couple of tales for Cthulhu Now and Delta Green.
  • 'A Landscape of the Stones' - an examination of stone circles, standing stones, and ley lines.
  • 'The Tombola Cipher' - your very own secret code based on the UK National lottery results!
  • 'Firearms of the UK and Irish Police and Military' - the Ronseal article.
  • 'The Mythos Gazetteer of the British Isles' - updated to 2002 from Games Workshop's 'Green and Pleasant Land' (1987).
  • 'British Investigator Templates' - a list of military and civilian agency profiles and character templates in the style of Delta Green: Countdown.
  • 'Green Box' - the latest gear for the well-equipped investigator.
  • 'Reviews' - no magazine would be complete without a review section.
  • 'What is the Black Seal?'

Written by Hans-Christian Vortisch / Nick Brownlow / Adam Crossingham / Rik Kershaw Moore / Nick Lowson / Davide Mana / Graeme Price / Jonathan Turner / Phil Ward