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This 8-page comic is an introduction to the N.B. Crew comic (as featured on the Ninja Burger website) as well as an introduction to the Ninja Burger 2nd Edition Role-Playing Game, which uses the Prose Descriptive Qualities (PDQ) game engine from Atomic Sock Monkey Press. Below each comic page you will find that page translated into PDQ stats and rolls, as it might occur if it were happening within a Ninja Burger game session.
It's a quick and painless way to see how Ninja Burger is played. And as an added bonus, there's a brand new Ninja Magic hand-sign in this 8-page comic that appears nowhere else in the RPG!
About PDQ:
The PDQ System has been designed for evocative simplicity, speed, and flexibility in play.
The PDQ System is used under license from Chad Underkoffler; the materials within the Ninja Burger RPG are not necessarily endorsed in any way by Chad Underkoffler, nor is he in any way responsible for the content of these materials unless specifically credited. Copyright 2008 Chad Underkoffler. All Rights Reserved.
PDQ System Design by Chad Underkoffler, Atomic Sock Monkey Press.
Written by Michael Fiegel / Rocco Commisso