
The Sinking: The Plumb Line

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    Publisher 01 Games
    Stock Number UA033
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Welcome to The Sinking, Campaign Serial.

The Plumb Line, written by Tito Leati, is part of an ongoing series set in the Great City. This is not a numbered adventure in a path, but instead it concerns a mysterious event that will forever alter the Great City, setting the tone for future events. Throughout the year, Øone Games will release a number of short adventures whose various plots are all somehow entwined with the event. Each will be a stand-alone adventure, designed to be played independently without a specific sequence and can be completed in a single evening's play.

The PCs undertake a wild search for a missing architect, real estate entrepreneur, and arcane scholar of the Great City's ancient secrets. Struggling against their quarry's persecutors, they learn the architect secretly uncovered one of Azindralea's legendary treasures - a revelation that soon leads them into an epic and dangerous exploration at the edge of the sinkhole.

The Plumb Line is an adventure for the Pathfinder RPG System for 3rd-level player characters.

Written by Tito Leati