
The Sinking: The Skullfire Inquisition

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    Publisher 01 Games
    Stock Number UA041
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Welcome to The Sinking, Campaign Serial, Season II.

The Skullfire Inquisition, written by Michael O'Day, is part of an ongoing series set in the Great City. The Sinking is now entering in its final stage as the adventures become more specific, and should be played in a sequence. Each one will be a stand-alone adventure, designed to be played in a single evening's play.

At the instigations of the Trypus Academy, the Lazarites initiate a brutal inquisition of various churches in their search for mysterious items secreted away by an aged priest of the god of mysteries. In order to aid their newest ally, Blood Senator Vulgrax, the PCs must infiltrate the inquisition, find the priest, retrieve his mysteries, and if possible save the man's life.

The Skullfire Inquisition is an adventure for Season II of the Great City: The Sinking adventure serial. It was designed using the Pathfinder RPG system and intended for a group of 7h-level Player Characters.

Written by Michael O'Day