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Welcome to The Sinking campaign serial, Season II.
The Tribunal Edicts, written by Tim Hitchcock, is part of an ongoing series set in the Great City. This is not a numbered adventure in a path, but instead it concerns a mysterious event that will forever alter the Great City, setting the tone for future events. Following the trial of the Malchort Cabal (Season I closing adventure) and the revelation that something of great danger lurks within the Sinkhole, the adventurers will face new dangers that lead them in the vast underground of the Great City. Each one will be a stand-alone adventure, designed to be played independently without a specific sequence, and can be completed in a single evening’s play.
Following the trial of the Malchort Cabal and the revelation that something of great danger lurks within the Sinkhole, the Kortezian Government ordered an immediate evacuation of the Sinkhole area. In addition to the possibility of outside threat, the strong anti-Azindralean sentiment of various Cabal members struck a raw nerve with the native Azindraleans, forcing the ruling class to act preemptively in order to avoid civil uprising. Almost two hundred soldiers deployed to the Sink site and, overnight, they barricaded the area from the rest of the city.
The Tribunal Edicts is the introductory adventure for Season II of the Great City: The Sinking adventure serial. It was designed using the Pathfinder RPG System and intended for a group of 5th-level player characters.
Written by Tim Hitchcock