
The Twenty Sides of the Evil

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  • File Size 10.7 MB ZIP
    Publisher 01 Games
    Stock Number SA03
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Evil is awakening in the world. The Seven Avengers, also known as the Seven Black Generals, are trying to get the mighty Guardian Sword Naterah, The Night Guardian, the legendary blade used by Draman the Red to split the soul of the evil god Zadrak. The Sword is the only thing that can prevent the reunification of his dark soul. Each Black General hosts a piece of the soul of Zadrak and they are now slowly awakening to hunt the mighty artifact. The first Black General reunited the Zenith tribes to form a barbarian horde. He attacked the western kingdom and tried to destroy the legendary fortress of Draman Del. But a group of heroes activated old traps set up by the archmage Gadrath the Immortal and stopped the advancing horde. Finally, General Adran arrives with an army of Draman and Nath warriors to balk the Zenith army in Draman Del.

The Twenty Sides of the Evil is the long-awaited sequel to The Legend of the Steel General.

This new adventure will take the PCs through Arthad and will end in the ominous city of Nath Rex, the heart of the Nath kingdom. The adventure contains a good deal of puzzles and action as well as good opportunities for roleplaying. It follows a precise story.

It is a big adventure in 01 Games style.

The Twenty Sides of the Evil contains:

  • A six-chapter adventure
  • Beautiful internal artwork by Stefano Guida
  • A brand-new brotherhood: The Brotherhood of the Seven Souls
  • A monster template: The Night Devil
  • 5 legendary magical items
  • 14 beautifully rendered player handouts
  • 13 full color maps
  • 5 pregenerated player characters
  • Exciting battlemaps for your miniature gaming

Written by Mario Barbati