
The Violence Inherent in the System

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    Publisher Atlas Games
    Stock Number AG6039PDF
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Unknown Armies Campaign Starter Kits help you get started running your Unknown Armies campaign quickly. Each kit features the following:

  • Five characters, broken and damaged and ready to go
  • One group objective for the cabal to pursue
  • A first session scenario to get things moving quickly
  • GM hooks, additional objective ideas, GMCs, and suggestions for the antagonist phase

With this campaign starter kit, you have all that you need to fuel your imagination and get things moving. The kit takes the place of the initial planning and collaborative character and setting creation system provided in Unknown Armies. Players select a character, choose one or two additional relationships with the other player characters, and make these obsessed individuals their own.

In The Violence Inherent in the System, the players take on the role of a group of young people who grow to believe in an abstract yet real force active in the world, a force that embodies systemic oppression and violence against those who do not serve the will of authority. Over the course of the campaign, their efforts to find and understand this force may shift the scope of their activity to a cosmic level.

Written by Rabbit Stoddard