
Unknown Eagles: Sourcebook 1 (4th Edition)

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  • File Size 1.31 MB ZIP
    Publisher Hero Games
    Stock Number HERO-UE
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The 1940s, as World War Two ravaged the world, were full of strife and horror. It was a time for heroes, when men and women stood to battle for what they believed in. It would be a long while before the United States was drawn into the war. A few of her citizens, who wanted to fight for one reason or another, went off to form fighting groups, risking their United States citizenship. Some went on, later in the war, to become such groups as the Fighting Tigers and the Eagle Squadrons of Britain's Royal Air Force.

By August of 1939, the Axis started gaining chunks of the world in its conquests. Unknown Eagles is about a special group of women and men who might have formed groups of what, to some, might look like mercenaries, but who were in truth units of special agents made up to fight against the enemies of the free world.

Fighters for this secret Allied organization needed a wide range of skills, ranging from common blade combat to aircraft piloting. Eagles unit personnel went on air-to-air missions or behind enemy lines as spies. Visits back to the States would not be a source of comfort, for if they were sent back stateside, it was often to go after enemy spies, to stop whatever plots they might bring against the Allies.

Zip file includes rulebook, Hero System 4th Edition character sheet, and Fuzion character sheet.

Written by Donna Millheim / Edwin Millheim