
Updated Animal Familiars

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    Publisher Skirmisher Publishing, LLC
    Stock Number SKPE0842
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This booklet is dedicated to expanding the options for familiars available to arcane spellcasters like Sorcerors and Wizards and is inspired by a number of the concepts introduced in Skirmisher Publishing LLC's ENnie-nominated The Noble Wild. This book, an "Animal Player's Handbook," presents a detailed system for incorporating viable animal characters into a either traditional or animal-oriented OGL campaign.

Some of the material in this publication was developed as addenda to The Noble Wild and some of it appears in the current edition of that book. Collectively, however, this material has applications that can be applied outside of the system presented in The Noble Wild. And so, we have created Updated Animal Familiars as a means both of making this material available to people who are not familiar with The Noble Wild and of introducing some of the concepts in that publication to them.

This publication includes:

  • Updated tables detailing the benefits acruing to an arcane spellcaster for various sorts of familiar, including humanoid familiars and 18 new animal familiars;
  • Full OGL stats for all of the new animals presented as possible familiars in this book; and,
  • A new basic character class, the Greater Familiar.

Free items available for The Noble Wild on this retail site include a pack of OGL and OGL Modern character sheets, the bonus deed "Claws of the Sirocco," and a set of Noble Animal Spell Lists.

Written by Lee Garvin