
Urban Faerie

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    Publisher Postmortem Studios
    Stock Number JGD006
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There are certain kinds of people, ale-drinking people, people who did a little too much acid in the sixties, people who wear large, warm jumpers and take long brisk walks in the country. These people maintain that faeries not only exist but that they are very common. They also tend to believe that faeries are, were, and always will be a countryside phenomenon much like casual cruelty to animals, sexual intercourse with sheep, and having an impenetrable and parochial accent.

This is, of course, rather wide of the mark.

Faeries have always had a strong relationship with man, darning his socks, cobbling his shoes, cleaning his houses, drowning him, marrying him,  swapping his children for malformed hydrocephalics as a bit of a jape, and otherwise aiding or demeaning the efforts of man. Faeries do not need our belief to exist; they need us and the things we leave around.

Like an urban fox or that aerial rat known as the pigeon, if they survive they will have adapted to city life and found their niches not in tending to flowers and trees but in crashing computers, letting down the tyres on peoples' cars, and eating the leftover pizza.

What then, would their world be like as they transitioned, with man, to an urban environment? How would the traditional faeries of yesteryear alter, shift, change, and cope to deal with this new world? What powers would they have and what would they get up to?

So, armed with my imagination, a few research books, and a hefty draught of the Postmortem Studios Patented Faerie Sight Potion I set out to discover, imagine, and set down what sort of world might exist for faeries today. The fruits of that labour are now yours to play with. 

Written by James Grim Desborough