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Men of steel in the Age of Steam.
Victorian science fiction and steampunk for EABA. Battle dirigibles, Cavorite, steamtroops, dinosaurs, Martians, Selenites, mad scientists, clacking Babbage engines, the works.
Verne starts off with the historical Victorian Era and then merges it with the fiction of Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and others to create a seamless alternate history that the adventurers get to shape and be part of. Verne can be as stiff-upper-lip fictional or Victorian Era grimy as you like, with detailed historical and cultural information, half a dozen adventures, and numerous plot-centered NPCs and gadgets.
Verne is nearly 220 pages of steampunk with the traditional BTRC attention to detail.
Also available for Verne:
Written by Greg Porter