
Warped Adventures: Infection

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  • File Size 3.31 MB PDF
    Publisher Atlas Games
    Stock Number AG2106PDF
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Warp Your World!

Push the boundaries of roleplaying with Warped Adventures. Spanning a multitude of places, times, and genres, the short scenarios that make up this PDF collection are always edgy, surprising, or weird … going beyond the expected.

In Infection, the PCs are members of an immigration watchdog group in Arizona, who return from a routine patrol to find that something horrific has already crossed the border and struck at the heart of their community. Can they fight off this new enemy before the government does it for them? Infection was written by Roger Burton West.

Warped Adventures celebrates the Over the Edge roleplaying game's 20th Anniversary, and can also be used with any WaRP System OGL game. Scenarios in this collection are published under the Open Game License.

Written by Roger Burton West