
World Building Library – Items of Folklore: Tibet

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    Publisher Expeditious Retreat Press
    Stock Number XRPWBL5
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Welcome to World Building Library - Items of Folklore: Tibet! Folktales are some of the most revealing and immersive ways to experience a culture. Passed down orally from generation to generation, folktales take on new meaning with each telling while continuing to bear the traditions, values, and history of a chosen people.

Tibetan folktales are deeply rooted in the harsh living conditions in the roof of the world and the virtues espoused in Buddhism. Sometimes these virtues are juxtaposed in dramatic or comical scenarios, but as with all good stories, their meaning and implications are both clear and subject to interpretation. The following is a collection of Tibetan folktales and the statistical representation of the magical items found within.

Written by Suzi Yee